I offer a bespoke therapeutic service that is tailored to suit a client's individuals needs. As an Integrative therapist I take the view there is no single approach that can treat each client in all situations. My model is non-prescriptive, leaving the client in control of the process. To maximise benefits of therapy, clients may be encouraged to achieve goals between sessions. I do not believe all clients need to be in long-term therapy and I aim to resource clients so that they are living in action rather than reaction in their daily lives.
Central to my approach is a key emphasis on trust, the healing quality of a good therapeutic alliance and critically the importance of empathic attunement, taking into account a client's strengths, weaknesses, problems and needs.
I work relationally with clients to garner a greater understanding of their Family of Origin, the position from which they may operate and seek to identify symptoms of the manifestations of adaptive behaviour by way of coping mechanisms in the present day.
Treatment planning and interventions are contained within a cohesive framework and collaboratively developed in the relational space between myself and the client, with a sensitivity to individual difference.
My commitment to preserving clinical and ethical integrity within a developing professional setting means that I maintain personal therapy, clinical supervision and training regularly to provide a critical evaluation that speaks to the potential appropriateness in the service I provide and the goals of the client.
Labels are a useful means to explain a construct such as "addiction". But can also keep an individual stuck. I find the term "addict" pejorative, so instead prefer to use the term 'dysfunctional relationship with people, places and/or things,' to explore the relationship an individual has to their 'drug of choice, 'whether that is a substance or a process.
I have yet to meet an individual who has a dysfunctional relationship with a person, place or a thing that hasn't experienced some semblance of trauma in their life, specifically 'Attachment and Developmental Trauma.' When a child is not bonded to their Primary Caregiver, their primal needs aren't met and as such adapt to survive the features of their environment and avoid the pain from the same. Children without secure attachments are less resourced and resilient, meaning that during an adverse life event tend to look outside of themselves to fix how they are feeling. This skewed coping strategy can spiral out of control and lead to a dysfunctional relationship with the very thing that initially alleviated the feeling.